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Returns and refund policy


Sorry to hear you want to return your product. Private customers can return products within 100 days of receiving them. If the product was delivered in multiple shipments or parts, the return period starts on the day the consumer or a third party designated by them receives the final shipment. Our returns policy does not apply to deliveries to companies. If we receive the returned product in good condition and original packaging, we'll refund the full purchase price via wire transfer within 14 days.

To return something, fill out the returns form and follow the steps in our refund policy.

How to return your products

We prefer that you return products in their original packaging and in good condition so we can give you a full refund. If the product is damaged or used, we may only give you a partial refund at our discretion. You can open the packaging and try out the product during the return period, but don't do anything that would lower its value. If you need to return the product, make sure you pack it properly.

Some products, like consumables, hygiene products, and erotic items, can't be returned if the packaging has been opened (such as batteries, dietary supplements, and mouthpieces).

Refunds for the returned products are made only after:

a) fulfillment of all necessary conditions for Return.

b) filling in the returns form


You have 100 days from the delivery date to return a product and get a refund for your order. To get your refund, you just need to let us know that you want to return the product before the 100-day deadline is up.

How to get your refund

Here's how to get your refund:

Step 1. Contact us to confirm the return. You need to tell us you want to return the product. You can do this by filling out the returns form on our website, or by contacting our customer support. Using the returns form is the easiest way for us to process your return, and it'll get processed faster.

Step 2. Process the return. Once you fill out the returns form, our returns department will contact you within 2 business days and give you more information about how to return your order safely.

You can direct your return order to:


10 Anson Road, #03-05, International Plaza, Singapore 079903

Step 3. Return the product. Send the product back to us as soon as you can, and definitely no later than 14 days from when you got the additional information on how to return it.

Step 4. Get your money back. We'll give you a refund as soon as we can, but definitely within 14 days of when you informed us you wanted to return the product. We'll use the same payment method you used to make the initial purchase unless you tell us otherwise. Just keep in mind that you might not get your refund right away if we're still waiting to get the product back or if you haven't provided evidence that you sent it back.

Frequently asked questions

Here you find the most frequently asked questions regarding returns and refunds.

Will there be reimbursement for shipping costs in case of a return?

No, you will be responsible for the direct cost of returning the goods.

How do I refund wrong, defective, damaged, or incomplete products?

When you received a wrong, defective, damaged, or incomplete product, a return form must be sent via the customer service portal with photos of the received product. If the products are deemed defective, they can be refunded at partial or full refund to the credit card or other applicable payment account. Please note, that minor damage to the packaging is not considered defective.

Will there be reimbursement for shipping costs in case of wrong, defective, damaged, or incomplete products?

Yes, in case of wrong, defective, damaged, or incomplete products, we will bear the cost of returning the goods. Notwithstanding the above-mentioned, Ruqola shall not be required to reimburse the supplementary costs if the consumer has expressly opted for a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by the trader.

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