No shipping costs
100 days tryout
Budget prices
5 mil. products
Customer service

Information about Ruqola

There are various reasons why people like online shopping for Asian products. Some are looking for cheap, high-quality products, while others are looking for unique and exotic products that they might not be able to find elsewhere. Many Asian stores have a large selection of products, which means that there is something for everyone.

What makes Ruqola different?

We believe there are many substandard products available that are made in Asia. These products influence the general opinion of Asian products, even though most products made in Asia are of great quality!

Besides that we find most websites that offer Asian products dull, full of advertisements and not user-friendly. That needs to change.

Combine our idea of ​​good quality Asian products with our care for fun shopping and voila – you have Ruqola! Care for Quality and Fun online shopping.

How does Ruqola do that?

Our mission: providing the best shopping experience and making online shopping fun and intuitive. With our top-class product filter system, we ensure that we only sell products that we believe are of high quality. And with fewer poor-quality goods on the shelves, the producers have to adapt – ​​less demand = less production. Producers have to step up their quality to stay in the game.

We focus on the end user and do everything to give you the best online shopping experience there is.

How do we make a change together?

We can see you thinking, “How do you approach this mission with all those products? The Asian market is enormous.”

That’s right! That’s where you come in. Feedback from you as a customer is very much appreciated and really helps us to make our mission more effective. Together we can make a difference!

Contact Ruqola

We hope you enjoy your shopping adventure with us. Please reach out to our customer service if you have any comments, questions or ideas so we can improve our services.

Why Ruqola


Quality products


5+ million products are waiting for you


Easy 24/7 customer support


Personal and unique shopping


100 days return policy


Track your order yourself

No shipping costs

We offer free shipping for all products

100 days tryout

You can return your product within 100 days if you're not satisfied

Budget prices

Up to 40% off, and new deals every week

5 mil. products

With 5 million products, you can always find what you're looking for