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Privacy Policy

Before using our services read this

Thanks for using Ruqola. Ruqola respects your privacy and takes your online safety seriously. Since we want to make sure your privacy is protected, we want to let you know about how we collect and use your information online. When you use any of our services or send us emails, you're communicating with us electronically. This means we'll communicate with you through email, text, in-app notifications, or by posting messages on our website or through other services. Just so you know, when you use our services or communicate with us electronically, you're agreeing that all agreements, notices, and other communications we send you electronically will count as being in writing, even though they're not on paper. This is just in case there are any legal requirements that say communications have to be in writing. Of course, if the law says we have to communicate with you in a different way, we'll do that.

Ruqola's Privacy Statement

We care about your privacy and want to make sure you feel safe while using our products and services. That's why we have a privacy policy in place to protect your personal information. This policy applies to all of our services, tools, and products, including mobile devices, mobile apps, and mobile-optimized websites. If you have any questions about how we process your personal information, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. Thanks for using Ruqola!

This Privacy Statement explains:

  • How we collect, use, and (under certain conditions) disclose your personal information.

  • The steps we've taken to secure your personal information.

  • Your options regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information. This Privacy Statement applies only to this website.

  • Ruqola may link to other websites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices on any website other than Ruqola.

  • By visiting our Site, you accept the practices described in this Policy.

  • How we collect, use, and (under certain conditions) disclose your personal information.

  • The steps we take to secure your personal information.

  • Your options regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information.

  • This Privacy Policy applies only to this website. Ruqola may link to other websites.

  • We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices on any website other than Ruqola.

  • By visiting our Site, you accept the practices described in this Statement.

1. How does Ruqola collect my personal information?

We collect information from Site users in several different ways to provide you with a better, more personalized shopping experience.

For example, we can use your personal information to:

  • Register you with our Site and provide you with our Services;

  • Record and quickly bring up information you've given previously;

  • Help you quickly find information about our products, and Services;

  • Diagnose and improve Site content to provide you with customer service;

  • Provide you with new information about our products and Services;

We also use your personal information to protect against fraud and abuse, and to manage credit risks. We use your information as otherwise disclosed or permitted by law.

We collect personal information in several different ways:

Registration and ordering

This includes things like your name, address, phone number, email address, and financial information. We also collect your email address and phone number when you sign up for promotional notices or newsletters, and we may ask for your location to comply with laws and regulations.

Email addresses:

If you enter your email address on certain parts of the site, it might be for things including but not limited to: registering for free promotional notices, requesting notification when new brands or product styles arrive, or signing up for our email newsletter. For promotional contests we require contact information to notify winners and award prizes. We may post the names and cities of contest winners on our Site.

Phone number:

If you enter your phone number, it might be for similar purposes. We'll keep your email and phone number until you ask us to delete them.

Product reviews:

If you write a review for a product, we'll ask for your email and location. Your email will stay private, but your location will be visible to other users. Any other personal info you include in your review will also be visible to others.

We also use cookies and other tracking technologies to automatically collect information from you as you use our Site. This can include things like your browsing history, device information, and location.

Overall, we use your personal information to improve your shopping experience and protect the security of our customers. We may also use it as permitted by law.

Log Files:

  • IP address (internet protocol address) of the end device accessing our website;

  • Internet address of the website referring to our website (referrer URL);

  • Information on the provider through which access to our website takes place;

  • Name of accessed files and information;

  • Date, time and duration of access;

  • Quantity of transferred data;

  • Operating system and information on the browser being used;

  • Status of the page view (e.g. "Query successful").

We keep data in log files so we can spot problems and keep things secure (like if someone's trying to hack us). If we need to keep the log files for legal reasons, we won't delete them until the issue is sorted out. And if the authorities need to see them, we might give them to them.

On we use GrowthBook soft tools. GrowthBook provides a suite of products that allows us to ideate, discuss, test, analyze, and learn from experiments we run on our products. It is a modular platform used for either Feature Flags, Experiment Analysis, or both. Ruqola uses GrowthBook generally for A/B testing. A/B testing is a user-experience research methodology that consists of a randomized experiment that usually involves two variants (A and B), although the concept can be extended to multiple variants of the same variable. It includes the application of statistical hypothesis testing or "two-sample hypothesis testing" as used in the field of statistics. A/B testing is a way to compare multiple versions of a single variable, for example by testing a subject's response to variant A against variant B, and determining which of the variants is more effective.

Ruqola integrates GrowthBook code and then uses the tools within the applicable GrowthBook Service to define metrics and set up feature flags and experiments as needed. Any user IDs, passwords, and other access credentials (such as API tokens) for the GrowthBook Service are kept strictly confidential and not shared with any unauthorized person. GrowthBook has a policy of only the absolute minimum of data required to provide services. All of Ruqola users' data stays local to Ruqola infrastructure. To see detailed information please refer to the GrowthBook Security page and Privacy Policy.

2. How does Ruqola use my personal information?

Internal use: We use your personal information to process your order and provide you with customer service. We may also use this information internally to get a general sense of who's visiting our site, improve the content and layout, and promote our services.

Communication with you: We'll use your personal info to keep in touch with you about your orders and our site. All customers need to provide an email address so we can contact them about their orders. We'll also send you a confirmation email when you register, and we may send you service updates (like if we need to temporarily shut down the site for maintenance). You can also give us your email or phone number if you want to be notified when we have new brands, products, or styles, or if you want to sign up for our newsletter and special offers. You can unsubscribe or opt out of future emails anytime (see the section below for more info)

Customer reviews. We are interested in constantly improving our services, so customer feedback is extremely important to us. If you use our services or place an order on Ruqola, we may ask you to leave a review by sending an appropriate email. Sending those emails is not intended for remarketing or any advertisement but consists of our legitimate interest under GDPR of receiving customer feedback. We may share your feedback with one of our service providers. We will only do this if you have provided feedback via the link in the appropriate email. If you do not wish to receive mailing asking for your feedback, you can always unsubscribe by sending an appropriate message to [email protected]

3.1. How are cookies and other technologies used to collect information?

Cookies are small pieces of information that your Internet browser stores as text files on your computer's hard drive. Most browsers accept cookies by default, but setting your browser to reject cookies or remove them from your hard drive will prevent you from using parts of this Site. For instance, if you block or otherwise reject our cookies, you will not be able to add products to your shopping cart, proceed to checkout or use any of our Services that require you to sign in. The Site uses cookies to:

  • Speed up navigation;

  • Track site usage;

  • Recognize users and user access privileges and preferences;

  • Enable and track selection and purchase products on this Site, and record your browsing activity and - purchases;

  • Conduct research and diagnostics to improve our content, products and Services;

  • Improve Site security.

This site and potentially other sites use interest-based advertising to display ads to users based on their interactions with the site and other activities. This may include things like purchasing items on the site, visiting sites that contain the site's content or ads, or using the site's tools or payment services. The site may use third-party tools like Google Analytics and other tracking or marketing applications to gather information for these ads. These ads are often referred to as personalized or targeted ads because they are tailored to the user's interests.

Like other online ad networks, we use cookies, web beacons (also known as action tags or single-pixel gifs), and other technologies, which enable us to learn about what ads you see, what ads you click, and other actions you take on our Sites and other sites. This allows us to provide you with more useful and relevant ads. We do not associate your interaction with unaffiliated sites with your identity in providing you with interest-based ads.

We do not provide any personal information to advertisers or to third-party sites that display our interest-based ads. However, advertisers and other third-parties (including the ad networks, ad-serving companies, and other service providers they may use) may assume that users who interact with or click on a personalized ad or content are part of the group that the ad or content is directed towards (for example, users in a particular geographical area or users who bought or browsed for classical music). Also, some third-parties may provide us with information about you (such as demographic information or sites where you have been shown ads) from online sources that we may use to provide you with more relevant and useful advertising.

Third-party advertisers or advertising companies working on their behalf sometimes use technology to serve the advertisements that appear on our Site directly to your browser. They automatically receive your IP address when this happens. They may also use cookies to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and to personalize advertising content. We do not have access to or control over cookies or other features that advertisers and third-party sites may use, and the information practices of these advertisers and third-party websites are not covered by our Privacy Policy. Please contact them directly for more information about their privacy practices.

3.2 How are cookies and other technologies used to collect information?

Firebase by Google

We use the Firebase service from Google LLC. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) in order to derive application behavioural analytics. We use that information to see how users interact with our website and app. Firebase is part of the Google Cloud Platform and offers numerous services for developers.

A list can be found here

Some Firebase services process personal data. In most cases, the personal data is limited to so-called “instance IDs”, which are provided with a time stamp. These “Instance IDs” assigned by Firebase are unique and thus allow the linking of different events or processes. This data does not represent personally identifiable information for us, nor do we make any efforts to personalize it subsequently. We process these aggregated data to analyze and optimize usage behaviour, for example by evaluating crash reports.

Currently, we use the following Firebase services:

Google Analytics for Firebase: Google Analytics uses the data to provide analytics and attribution information. The precise information collected can vary by the device and environment.

You can find more information via this link and on Google's partner policy. Google Analytics retains ID-associated data for 60 days, and retains aggregate reporting and campaign data without automatic expiration, unless the Firebase customer changes their retention preference in their Analytics settings or deletes their project.For Analytics for Firebase, Google uses not only the "Instance ID" described above, but also the advertising ID of the end device.

You can restrict the use of the advertising ID in the device settings of your mobile device. For Android: Settings > Google > Ads > Reset Ad ID For iOS: Settings > Privacy > Advertising > No ad tracking

Firebase Dynamic Links: Dynamic Links uses device specs on iOS to open newly-installed apps to a specific page or context. Dynamic Links only stores device specs temporarily, to provide the service.

Firebase Cloud Messaging: Firebase Cloud Messaging is used to transmit push messages or so-called in-app messages (messages that are only displayed within the respective app). A pseudonymized push reference is assigned to the mobile device, which serves as a target for the push messages or in-app messages. The push messages can be deactivated and reactivated at any time in the settings of the mobile device. Firebase Cloud Messaging uses Instance IDs to determine which devices to deliver messages to. Firebase retains Instance IDs until the Firebase customer makes an API call to delete the ID. After the call, data is removed from live and backup systems within 180 days.

Firebase Realtime Database: Firebase Realtime Database is a hosting and backend service provided by Google Inc.

Purpose: Providing hosting & backend infrastructure for our apps Place of processing: United States - Privacy Policy. Privacy Shield participant.

Firebase Cloud Firestore: Firebase Cloud Firestore is a hosting and backend service provided by Google LLC. Purpose: Providing hosting & backend infrastructure for our apps

Personal Data collected: Usage Data and various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.

Place of processing: United States - Privacy Policy. Privacy Shield participant. Firebase will use this information on our behalf for the above-mentioned reasons.

The legal basis for the use of this service is Art. 6 paragraph 1, sentence 1f GDPR. Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus guarantees compliance with European data protection legislation


Trengo Chat: To communicate with you on our website through a chat function, we use Trengo Chat.

Read Trengo's privacy statement to learn how they handle the data they collect.


We offer you the option to subscribe to a newsletter on our website. Your personal data is collected while registering for the subscription. You will first receive a confirmation email in order to ensure that you wish to subscribe to the newsletter with your email address. Only once you have clicked on the activation link contained in this email will you be included in our email mailing list and receive the newsletter. The newsletter subscription is recorded for documentation purposes (IP address, date and time). You have the option at any time to unsubscribe from the newsletter by sending us a corresponding message. In particular, you may also use the link at the end of each newsletter in order to unsubscribe. The legal basis is provided by Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR.

To dispatch the newsletter, we use the newsletter service ActiveCampaign, LLC, 150 N. Michigan Ave Suite 1230, Chicago, USA. This service provider only processes the data on our behalf and at our instruction in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. Active Campaign is certified according to the "EU-US Privacy Shield". The "Privacy Shield" is an agreement between the European Union (EU) and the USA, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards in the USA.

For more information, please refer to ActiveCampaign's privacy policy

Link to Privacy Shield certification

We can also use ActiveCampaign to analyze our newsletter campaigns. When you open an email sent with ActiveCampaign, a file contained in the email (called a web beacon) connects to ActiveCampaign's servers. This allows us to determine whether you have opened a newsletter message and which links have been clicked on. In addition, technical information is recorded (e.g. time of access, IP address, browser type and operating system). This information cannot be assigned to the respective newsletter recipient. It is used exclusively for statistical analysis of our newsletter campaigns. The results of these analyses can be used to better adapt future newsletters to the interests of the recipients.

The evaluation of the click behaviour of our newsletter recipients is in our legitimate interest in a target group-oriented design of our offer. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1f DSGVO. If you do not wish to receive an analysis from ActiveCampaign, you must unsubscribe from the newsletter. For this purpose, we provide a corresponding link in every newsletter message. Unfortunately, it is not possible to send the newsletter without such an analysis.

Twitter pixel

The Twitter pixel is an analytics tool that allows Twitter to learn whether you've interacted with certain web or email content. This helps Twitter measure and improve our services and personalize your experience. The Twitter pixel is used to measure ad performance, track conversions, and create tailored audiences. Details about Twitter's policies for conversion tracking and tailored audiences can be found here


What is YouTube? On YouTube, users can watch, rate, comment or upload videos for free. Over the past few years, YouTube has become one of the most important social media channels worldwide.

What data is stored by YouTube? As soon as you visit one of our pages with an integrated YouTube, YouTube places at least one cookie that stores your IP address and our URL. If you are logged into your YouTube account, by using cookies YouTube can usually associate your interactions on our website with your profile. This includes data such as session duration, bounce rate, approximate location, technical information such as browser type, screen resolution or your Internet provider.

Additional data can include contact details, potential ratings, shared content via social media or YouTube videos you added to your favorites.

If you are not logged in to a Google or YouTube account, Google stores data with a unique identifier linked to your device, browser or app. Thereby, e.g. your preferred language setting is maintained. However, many interaction data cannot be saved since fewer cookies are set.

Hotjar (analytics cookie)

We use Hotjar to better understand the needs of our visitors and to improve the usability and user experience of our website. Hotjar uses statistics on screen size, device type, browser type, language and the countries from which the website is visited.

Hotjar uses this data to create a click heatmap and a scroll heatmap. These heat maps show what our visitors click on and how far they scroll on our pages. We can also see how long users stay on the page and how our site is navigated.

This way we can optimize the website and ensure that you can find important information quickly. All data is collected anonymously: Hotjar and Tinybots have no access to your personal data in any way. We will also never use the data to identify individual visitors or to link data from other data sources. Read more about Hotjar's cookie policy here Hotjar only stores data in the European Union. Read more about Hotjar's GDPR compliance here You can opt out (opt-out) from the creation of a profile, the storage of data by Hotjar regarding the use of our site and the use of tracking cookies by Hotjar by using this opt-out link

TikTok Pixel

Within our online offers, we use the so-called "TikTok pixel" of the social network TikTok, which is operated by TikTok Technology Limited, 10 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, D02 T380, Ireland ("TikTok"), is used.

On the one hand, the TikTok pixel enables TikTok to determine you as a visitor of our online offers as a target group for the presentation of ads (so-called "TikTok-Ads"). Accordingly, we use the TikTok pixel to display the TikTok-Ads placed by us only to those TikTok users who have also shown an interest in our online offers or who exhibit certain characteristics (e.g. interests in certain topics or products determined on the basis of the websites visited) that we transmit to TikTok (so-called "custom audiences").

With the help of the TikTok pixel, we also want to ensure that our TikTok-Ads match the potential interest of users and are not annoying. The TikTok Pixels also help us track the effectiveness of TikTok-Ads for statistical and market research purposes by showing us whether users are redirected to our website after clicking on a TikTok ad (so called "conversion").

Privacy policy of TikTok:

The processing of data by TikTok is carried out within the framework of the TikTok data use policy. Accordingly, general information on the presentation of TikTok ads, in the TikTok data usage policy. For specific information and details about the TikTok pixel and its functionality, see the TikTok help area

Basis: The use of the TikTok pixel as well as the storage of "conversion cookies" is based on Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

Contract data processing contract: For the processing of data for which TikTok acts as a commissioned data processor, we have concluded a commissioned data processing agreement with TikTok, in which we oblige TikTok to protect the data of our customers and not to pass them on to third parties.


The owner employs the CRITEO Tool, of CRITEO S.A., 32 Rue Blanche, 75009 Paris, for statistical analysis of visits to its website, and for individual, interest based advertising (CRITEO Dynamic Retargeting and CRITEO Sponsored Products), which may involve creation of pseudonymous user profiles from the user data linked with the content requested. CRITEO uses cookies, web beacons (tracking pixels) and/or similar techniques that send information on usage of the owner's website to a CRITEO server in France or another country for storage and analysis. CRITEO will use this information only on the owner's behalf and for the aforementioned purposes.

User data will be processed pseudonymously, i.e. there will be no data processed and stored that allow identification of individual users, and IP addresses will be truncated. Processing will be done on the basis of an online ID only. Online IDs or email addresses sent to CRITEO will be encrypted as hash value (checksum) and be stored as a string of characters that will not allow reverse identification.

For further information on CRITEO Dynamic Retargeting and CRITEO Sponsored Products for CRITEO privacy policy

You may dissent from future retrieving, processing and use of your data by CRITEO. For related information and opt-out details go to CRITEO privacy policy under

You may further avoid future retrieving, processing and use of your data from CRITEO web beacons by loading and installing a web browser plugin available at


This cookie records purchase data. With this information, it is possible to fairly compensate our partner sites for their contribution to our sales.

Name: Awin Lifetime: This cookie is stored for a maximum of 30 days. Distribution: Awin shares anonymous data with third parties. Privacy Policy

Google Analytics

Google Analytics collects information about the use of our webshop. This information shows us how you landed on our website and how long your visit lasts. Based on this, we can give you personal recommendations and help you find the right product. Name: Utma, UTMB, UTMC, UTMV and UTMZ Lifetime: the cookies are stored for a maximum of 2 years. Distribution: Google does not share anonymous data with third parties. Privacy Policy

Google AdWords

Conversion Tracking helps us to see how effectively ad clicks contribute to valuable customer activity on our website such as: purchases, sign-ups and form submissions. It tracks conversions after an ad interaction from the drop-down menu for Search, Shopping, Video and Display Campaigns. Privacy Policy

Microsoft Ads | Bing

UET is used to track our customers' behaviour after clicking on our ad. Universal Event Tracking (UET) is a powerful tool that records what customers do on our website. By placing a UET tag, Microsoft Advertising collects data that helps us track conversion goals and audiences with remarketing lists.

URL Tracking allows us to find out how people landed on our website by adding tracking parameters in Microsoft Advertising and using a third-party tracking tool or service to analyze the data. When an ad is shown, the tracking parameters are dynamically added to our landing page URL. This landing page URL is captured on our web server and a third-party tracking tool, such as Google Analytics, can interpret the data. Privacy Policy


Dot is Yahoo's universal tracking tag. We use Dot tags to communicate website and app events when we want to track performance and optimize our Yahoo search, native and display campaigns. Dot tags also allow us to use retargeting and advanced audience targeting for various Yahoo channels. With one pixel, we can manage multiple purposes, such as creating new audiences for retargeting and tracking website conversions, mobile app installs and in-app user behaviour. Privacy Policy

Facebook Conversion Tracking Pixel

Ruqola may use Facebook Advertising, Facebook Pixel Re-Marketing and communications. This tool allows Ruqola to understand and display ads and make them more relevant to you. The collected data remains anonymous and Ruqola cannot see the personal data of an individual user.

However, the collected data is stored and processed by Facebook. Facebook may associate the data with your Facebook account and use the data for its own advertising purposes (in accordance with Facebook's data use policy).

Facebook has ultimate control over the information collected through Facebook Advertising, Facebook Pixel Re-Marketing and communications. You can opt out of the use of cookies by Facebook and Facebook Pixel Remarketing via the settings on your Facebook account.

4. Does Ruqola ever share my personal information?

We sell merchandise, not information: We won't sell, rent, trade, or license your personal or financial info. There are a few specific situations where we might have to share your information with third-party service providers. For example, we might give your name, shipping address, email, and phone number to partners like DHL and UPS to make sure your orders get delivered. We might also share relevant customer information with third parties to help monitor the quality of their service. In order to process payments, we might also have to share your credit card number with financial services organizations. Don't worry though, we use state-of-the-art data encryption to protect all submissions of your credit card number for authorization.

(More on this below in the “How does Ruqola protect my personal information?” section.)

There may be times when we need to disclose your personal information to protect ourselves, our customers, or others. For example, we may be required to share information if we receive a subpoena or court order, or if law enforcement officials are conducting an investigation. We may also need to share information to enforce our terms of use or protect our legal rights. Additionally, if we believe that someone is engaging in fraud or other illegal activity on our site, we may share information to prevent that activity.

In rare cases, we may need to sell, trade, or rent personal information to other companies as part of a business transaction, such as a merger or acquisition. If this happens, the new company will be required to follow the privacy policy that is in place at the time.

We may also share non-personally identifiable information, such as the number of daily visitors to a specific page or the size of an order placed on a certain date, with third parties like advertising partners. Finally, we may share personal information for other reasons that we will describe to you as needed and permitted by law.

We use payment service providers and payment methods integrated on this Website

You can review's privacy policy at

You can review AirWallex's privacy policy at

We will share information with our payment service providers only to the extent necessary for the purposes of processing payments you make via our website, refunding such payments, and dealing with complaints and queries relating to such payments and refunds. We will neither store any debit/credit card details of users nor pass any debit/credit card details to third parties.

Also, on this site the the following payment methods and payment service providers are available


iDEAL is a Netherlands-based payment method that allows customers to complete transactions online using their bank credentials. All major Dutch banks are members of Currence, the scheme that operates iDEAL. iDEAL redirects customers to their online banking environment to authenticate a payment using a second factor of authentication and there is immediate notification about the success or failure of a payment. The exact customer experience depends on their bank.


In order to be able to offer you Klarna’s payment options, we will pass to Klarna certain aspects of your personal information, such as contact and order details, in order for Klarna to assess whether you qualify for their payment options and to tailor the payment options for you. General information on Klarna can be found here Your personal data is handled in accordance with applicable data protection law and in accordance with the information in Klarna’s privacy policy.


We have integrated PayPal components on this website. The personal data transmitted to PayPal usually includes your first name, surname, address, email address, IP address, telephone number, mobile phone number, or other data necessary to process payment. Personal data related to the respective order is also necessary to process the purchase agreement. The transmission of data is intended for payment processing and fraud prevention purposes. We will transmit personal data to PayPal in particular if there is a legitimate interest in the transmission. Under certain circumstances, the personal data exchanged between PayPal and us is transmitted by PayPal to credit agencies. The purpose of this transmission is to verify your identity and creditworthiness. PayPal may also disclose the personal data to affiliated companies and service providers or subcontractors, provided this is necessary to fulfill contractual obligations or the data will be processed on behalf of PayPal. PayPal is used in the interest of proper, easy payment processing. This constitutes a legitimate interest as defined by Article 6 Paragraph 1(f) GDPR. Data transmission to the US is based on the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) of the European Commission. Details can be found here: PayPal’s privacy policy details can be found here:


Service provider: giropay GmbH, An der Welle 4, 60322 Frankfurt, Germany; Website:; Privacy Policy:

Apple Pay

The payment service provider is Apple Inc, Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. The Apple privacy policy can be found at:

Google Pay

The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. You can find Google’s privacy policy here:

American Express

Service provider: American Express Europe S.A., Theodor-Heuss-Allee 112, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Website:; Privacy Policy:


Service provider: Mastercard Europe SA, ChaussГ©e de Tervuren 198A, B-1410 Waterloo, Belgium; Website:; Privacy Policy:


Service provider: Visa Europe Services Inc., Zweigniederlassung London, 1 Sheldon Square, London W2 6TT, UK; Website:; Privacy Policy:

5. How does Ruqola protect my personal information?

We take steps to protect your personal information when you use our site. Some of the measures we use include:

  • Encrypting financial transactions with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to keep your information secure

  • Limiting access to your personal information to only those employees who need it to provide a specific service

  • Working with third-party service providers who we believe have secure computer hardware

It's important to note that complete security is not currently possible online. While we do our best to protect your personal information, we can't guarantee that it will always be completely secure.

6. How can I correct or update my personal information?

You can always choose not to provide information, even though it might be needed to make a purchase or to take advantage of certain features on the website.

You can choose to:

  • Correct or update your personal information;

  • Stop receiving mail to your email address;

  • Disable your account to prevent any future purchases through that account;

  • Block cookies on your computer to stop using featured service on the Site.

If you need to update or correct your personal information, you can log into your account and submit a request through our online customer service.

To unsubscribe from emails from Ruqola, you can either follow the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email or log into your account and select the appropriate option.

If you want to block cookies on your computer, you can use the help feature on most browsers and devices to learn how to do this. Keep in mind that blocking cookies may prevent you from using some of the essential features of the site, like adding items to your shopping cart or signing in to use certain services. We recommend leaving cookies turned on if you want to take full advantage of the site.

7. How long does Ruqola keep my personal Information?

We keep your personal information so that you can continue to use our services, as long as it's necessary for the purposes described in this privacy policy or required by law (like for tax and accounting purposes). For example, we keep a record of your transaction history so you can review past purchases and ship-to addresses, and we use this information to recommend relevant products and content.

If you're a visitor from the European Union, you have additional rights when it comes to your personal information. If you are a visitor from the European Union, please refer to "Legal rights for visitors from the European Union" as follows for more information.

8. Legal rights for visitors from the European Union

This section of the Privacy Policy applies only if you use our Site or Services covered by this Privacy Policy from a country that is a Member State of the European Union, and supplements the information in this Privacy Policy.

What legal rights exist in the processing of personal information?

You can contact us at any time by email or mail if you want to assert your rights. As a registered customer, you can also make changes to your information and email settings in the "My Account" section.

Your rights include the right to information and disclosure, which means you can request information about whether we're processing your personal information and get clear and easy-to-understand information about how we use your information and your rights. This is why we have this privacy policy in place.

Correction and erasure rights

You have the right to have your personal information corrected if it's incorrect or incomplete, and you can ask us to delete your information if any of the conditions for the "right to be forgotten" under the GDPR or equivalent local laws apply. It's possible that some residual information may remain due to backups.

Limitation of processing

You can also ask us to stop using your personal information if we're doing so based on legitimate interests, unless it's necessary for legal claims or we have other compelling legitimate reasons. If data processing is based on a contract or consent, you can request that we transmit your data to you or a third party in a structured, common, and machine-readable format.

Objection to direct marketing

You can object to the processing of your personal information for advertising or direct marketing at any time, and we will stop using your information for those purposes.

Revocation of consent

If you have given us your consent to process your data, you can revoke it at any time, but the legality of the processing up until that point will remain unchanged.

Right of appeal to the supervisory authority

Finally, you have the right to file a complaint with a data protection authority, such as the one responsible for your place of residence or federal state.

You can correct your personal information and exercise your privacy preferences by submitting a request at [email protected] Please include your name, address, and/or email address when you contact us.

Our legal basis for processing: Before we can respond to your requests (like correcting or deleting your personal information), we may need to verify your identity. The steps we take to verify your identity will depend on the sensitivity of your information and whether you have an account with us.

We process your contact information and registration and ordering details with your consent, and we process log data based on our legitimate interest in maintaining the security and stability of our website. We may also process personal information to comply with our legal obligations.

We may share your personal information with vendors who perform services on our behalf, but only if it's necessary to fulfill a contract, if we have a justified interest in the transfer, or if you have given your consent.

If we need to transfer personal information to countries outside the European Economic Area, we'll follow this privacy statement and any applicable data protection laws. You can submit requests or contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

You may designate an authorized agent to exercise any rights available to you on your behalf.Your authorized agent should submit proof that they have been authorized to act on your behalf. We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CCPA rights described here.

We do not sell your personal information.

The following categories of personal information are disclosed for the following business purposes:

  • Shipping and contact information: we share your name, shipping address, email and phone number with our partners such as DHL and UPS in order to guarantee delivery of your orders, and we may use relevant customer information in order to monitor the quality of the third party's service;

  • Financial information: we must provide your credit card number to financial services organizations such as credit card processors and issuers in order to process payments.

9. Privacy of minors

We respect the privacy of minors and do not intentionally collect personal information from children under 18. If you are under 18, please do not provide any personal information to us, and ask a parent or guardian for help when using the site.

If a minor has given us personal information without the consent of a parent or guardian, the parent or guardian can contact us at [email protected] to have the data removed. To use the site, you must be at least 18 years old or use the site with the supervision of a parent or guardian.

10. Stay informed about updates

We will keep you informed about what information we collect, use, and share by updating this privacy policy on the site. We encourage you to check back here from time to time to stay up-to-date. If you have any questions about this policy, don't hesitate to contact us.

11. Conflicted versions

If there are any conflicts between the English version of this policy and a translation, the English version will take precedence.

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