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100 days tryout
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5 mil. products
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Website Disclaimer

When you use our website you understand that the products or services we provide are ‘as is’ and ‘as available’. The products may not be perfect and could have faults. We're not responsible for any problems that may come up with products or services from other companies that you receive through our site. Please be aware we can't guarantee that our products or services will always be of good quality or meet your specific needs. However, we do everything we can to deliver good quality service.

Additionally, you agree to take responsibility for any issues that may come up as a result of your use of the site or services, and you agree to protect us and our affiliates, employees, and partners from any legal problems that may come up using our website or services.

By using our website you should be aware that you yourself are responsible for any problems or damages as a result of using it or by relying on any information on it. Use of our website is at your own risk. We’re sorry if you don’t get the results that you were hoping for but that is the risk you agree to take by using our services. We of course do everything in our power to make your visit worth it so you come visit us more often.

External Links Disclaimer

Sometimes we link to other websites services (via links, banners, channels, API or otherwise) that aren't run by us. If you decide to check them out, make sure you read their terms and policies first. We, unfortunately, don't have control over these other websites and therefore can't be held responsible for anything that happens on them. Just a friendly reminder to always be cautious when you're surfing the web.

We can't guarantee that the information on other websites that we link to is accurate or reliable, and therefore we're not responsible for anything that happens on those websites. We also won't be involved in any transactions you might have with third-party companies or services that are advertised on our site.

User Content Disclaimer

The website may contain reviews, comments, or other material (User Content’) that people have submitted in different formats like text, audio, or video. By using the website, you're agreeing that Ruqola isn't responsible for any User Content or other content shared on the website, even if it contains material that is untrue, offensive, or illegal. We will do our best to prevent this kind of User Content, but please be aware you're acknowledging that the risks that come with reading or interacting with this material on the website is your responsibility.

No shipping costs

We offer free shipping for all products

100 days tryout

You can return your product within 100 days if you're not satisfied

Budget prices

Up to 40% off, and new deals every week

5 mil. products

With 5 million products, you can always find what you're looking for